Address-Level Targeting

Use CRM or Address Data
for Effective Targeting

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Custom Strategy Call

Household Targeting – Past vs. Now

Targeting a household was extremely limited and difficult in the past. Even if you had a CRM list or address, there were limitations in advertising to individuals in those homes. Your options were either to attempt to catch them watching the right television show or to send a direct mail piece, hoping the right person would see it!

That has all changed with the methods Above The Fold uses for programmatic household targeting.

What Makes Above the Fold Better at Building a Custom Audience and Running Address-Level Targeting Campaigns?

Location Defined

Our technology defines the exact latitude and longitude of the property boundaries based on the county tax records (maximum accuracy). Other companies, approaches, and technologies do not come close to our accuracy. We can target specific homes, zip codes, or nearly any other way you think of geography.

500+ Offline Variables

Expedited response times and processes for political campaigns. Agile and nimble team structure to accommodate accelerated speed and accuracy requirements.


We can define the frequency, whether they are frequent or infrequent visitors to our target location. This becomes helpful as we decide if it’s best to target frequently present devices (resident/employee) or infrequently present devices (non-resident/customers).

Land Use/Property Type

We have access to over 200 different property types further to refine your audience, including categories such as Single Family, Condominium, Apartment, Rural, Multi-Family, and 200 other property types.

Address-Level Identify Mapping with Precision

Our Get Above The Fold technology defines the exact latitude and longitude and utilizes Plat lines. Every residential and commercial property in the United States is assigned an identifying plat ID unique to a property-level geo-fence. There is no PII information associated with those plat IDs.

iOS 14.5, Chrome, and privacy changes have had a major impact on Facebook Ads and other marketing channels. Programmatic is not reliant on 3rd party cookies.

We Use High Accuracy Methods, Both Deterministic and Probabilistic, to identify the correct devices to target

Address-Level Identifying Mapping – Deterministic approach

We identify web-connected devices within each property based on numerous data signals, including active GPS coordinates from apps on the devices, IP addresses, and more.

We use deterministic approaches:

  • Nearly 100% accurate
  • Identifies users on mobile, tablet, desktop, and television based on login credentials.

At 96% accuracy, we look at data signals such as common web and content consumption signals across devices sharing their locations. When high probability confidence is achieved that two or more devices belong to the same user, then a link is made in our Cross-Device Graph.

We use probabilistic approaches:

  • Nearly 96% accurate
  • This includes IP addresses assigned an ID for CTV devices

Proprietary Parameters and A Variety of Devices

Once we have created your custom addressable audiences, Above the Fold will then work to refine the parameters and activate the campaigns. We use proprietary, custom parameters that display across a variety of creative and device types.


  • State
  • Hour
  • Day of Week
  • Time of Day
  • Company
  • Advertiser
  • Cost Type
  • Campaign Type
  • Ad Size
  • Ad Position
  • Ad Domain
  • Ad File Type
  • Keyword
  • Content-Type
  • Pacing
  • Frequency Caps
  • Number of Times Viewed

Creative Type

  • Video
  • Display
  • Native

Device Type

  • Desktop
    • In-browser
  • Mobile
    • In-browser
    • In-app
  • Connected TV

Curate the Ideal Audience Using Our Offline Data when Targeting Addresses