Targeted Auto
Dealer Advertising

Find Users In Market
And Measure Foot Traffic

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Programmatic Advertising Allows Local Auto Dealers to Effectively Scale Localized Audiences, Messages, and Budgets in Real Time

Close To Your Location

Utilize geo-fencing strategies and location proximity to your dealership to serve ads to targeted users by location.

We will target users that visit your dealership but leave without purchasing and serve ads to help remind them to come back. We will set up your dealerships as Conversion Zones, so you know if targeted users walk in after being served an ad.

Visiting Competitors

Geo-fencing is an amazing tool for auto dealers when used to conquest customers from competitors.

Buyers visit an average of 2.7 dealerships before they buy while comparison shopping. Geo-fence these locations to potential car buyers and help bring awareness to come check out the vehicle inventory at your lot.

Attending Events

There are many local events where potential customers would attend, such as auto shows.

By utilizing the latest innovations in geo-fencing technology, you can build a custom audience based on a specific event location and time period. From there, serve targeted ads on their mobile devices at a later time to draw them to your dealership with a special promotion.

Win the Hearts and Minds of Potential Auto Buyers By Reaching them Earlier in their User Journey

Based on findings from over 10,000 active automotive campaigns, here are five of the most impactful digital targeting tactics that we can apply to reach consumers shopping for cars across each step of their purchase journey.

Contextual Retargeting

Get in front of users that are at the beginning of their journey to purchasing a car.

Build targeting around keyword phrases they would be searching for, on any site with a search box, as well as content they are reading. This will trigger targeting to them, so you can serve informative ads about your dealership and how you can help them.

Site Retargeting

As a consumer has seen the dealer ads earlier in their journey, they may have clicked through an ad or come to the site in another way after the ad impression.

These ads can be personalized with the exact cars they were viewing and other models that are similar or best sellers. Personalized retargeting and dynamic creative helps to keep your brand top of mind and bring the user to the site or visit the dealership in person. 

CRM Targeting

Auto dealers have a wealth of first-party data on their customers: date of last car purchase, interests, lease expirations, etc. This database may be utilized for direct mail and other communications, but the reach of it can expand greatly by utilizing for digital campaigns.

Serve customized ads to your customers as they surf the web that are timed to correspond with their next car purchase or lease expiration.


Car buyers research and purchase vehicles through their mobile devices, and so need to be identified and reached by mobile identifiers.

Location data has added powerful data to the marketing mix that can be used in ad targeting. Strategies such as geo-fencing competitor dealer lots or zip code targeting higher income areas are available to build a comprehensive media plan to find your ideal customers faster.

Digital Media as Research Core

Consumer behaviors have massively shifted to be focused on digital media as the main source of information and a key influencer of automotive purchase decisions.

Shoppers are more informed than ever and start researching the car they want long before they step foot in a dealership or a dealer’s website.

Longer Customer Journeys Need a Personalized Touch

In the path to purchase a car, there are an average of 24 touch points, and 19 of those interactions are digital in nature. In order to get foot traffic on your lot, auto dealers target potential customers earlier in their purchase journey.

Programmatic targeting allows ads to trigger based on initial search that signals interest in car buyer – such as a search for “purchase new car” or “car safety reviews” – all the way through their online research to decide what to purchase and where. 

More Accessible Advertising at Scale

Programmatic advertising is now accessible to dealers that need to effectively scale localized audiences, messages, and budgets in real-time.

These strategies work for a handful of dealership locations in one city or thousands of locations across the U.S.

The Internet has forever changed the automotive purchase cycle. By optimizing audiences to local needs, with strong personalized ads, auto advertisers will see improved performance.

Auto Dealership Case Study

local advertising mobile for car dealership